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horny guy 5 years ago
Luv my wife licking my uncut cock, chewing my foreskin is early days yet.
Rin 8 years ago
Bitches disgusted with foreskin should of had their own ripped off to as baby as yes females have foreskin too.
Foreskin is yummy and delicious! Only american retards think its disgusting, better stay in your bubble cos 80% of males worldwide are intact and having great sex
uncircumcised guy 9 years ago
i wish a girl would suck and fuck my uncircumcised dick but girls make fun of it
Ummm 12 years ago
Shes like a dog with a bone, but this time it's a chick with a dick.
Love Teeth 9 years ago
She could chew on my bone!
snapme 1 year ago
I want someone to to this to my forskin soo fucking bad
parker 6 years ago
Yee it's full of...
well?? 10 years ago
Thats a good question
well 11 years ago
What's her full name?
Jesse 11 years ago
She sould lick my fore skin befor i get circumcion