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Gaurav 7 years ago
aaisha 6 years ago
to be honest non muslim fuck us better. get over it bitch muslim men
to The_Procktologist 7 years ago
cuz to english people hijab is the simple for muslim women "so they just want you to believe this woman is muslim , and she is not cuz muslims womens they cover them self with hijab and abaya
Bro 7 years ago
What is her name?
WDJ 4 years ago
Wish I was that guy pounding her sweet pussy
Danny 7 years ago
Mate they are not Muslim
The_Procktologist 7 years ago
So let me get this right.... They have to wear a Hajib to cover their hair because of modesty....but they can spread their legs and show their pussies to the entire goddamn planet. Will somebody PLEASE explain that fucked up logic to me.
jai 7 years ago
Muslim men are coping 1 month ago
Lmao imagine being a big munafiq while some of you are cheating on your wife, and call yourselves pious, if shes muslim or not , that is up to our lord to decide eithef way stfy
i enjoy porn 2 months ago
calm down and enjoy some porn its not that deep