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Phatkat 13 years ago
Loved the bowel spray. I just wish the cameraman would have got closer to her asshole.
Jacob 7 years ago
How much do you think she really took? In the beginning they were frontal camera shots so you couldn't tell how big her stomach was begin with. The next shots she was bending backwards a little, pushing her stomach out. And take a look, the cameraman turned the camera 45°. That's a real oddball angle. The last side shot she pushed her stomach out. I'm not saying she didn't take any. Just a lot of camera tricks also.
wow 10 years ago
the cameraman was awful
Name??!?!?! 9 years ago
Please, please who IS she?
Smee 9 years ago
Do you suffer from premature ejaculation like the person below?
If you watched the video till the end she tells you her name.
Her name is Samantha Lovecox
she'd probably... 11 years ago
look full term with triplets
i wonder 12 years ago
how it would look if she was 6 months pregnant
name 9 years ago
Samantha Luvcox